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Five Awesome Fun Activities for Camping Trips


Camping trips provide an amazing opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities to the fullest. While many have been on numerous camping trips as a youth, some have never been on any trips. If you belong to this category, or you find it hard to put together interesting camping activities, here are some suggestions to help you have an awesome time.

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunt is one of the interesting activities to enjoy while camping. It’s an interesting activity for adults and young ones. A scavenger hunt involves collecting items of all sorts. In this game, create a list of specific items people will search for around the camping site. Usually, participants are grouped, although this depends on the number of people available because it can be played individually. The players aim to complete the most items or be the first to complete the items on the list.

To make the game interesting, a person who does not participate will hide certain items at the campsite and leave certain clues. Then the list of items to find alongside clues is provided to the participants. The team that finds all the clues and hidden objects wins.

Camping Story Contest

Camping Story contests are ideal for kids. Kids love to tell and hear stories from other kids. When out camping, there may be limited activities to do at night. Storytelling would be the perfect activity at this time. Gather around a campfire and invite each one to tell their most interesting story. Alternatively, you may have a storytelling setting whereby participants play a story game that entails saying a sentence, and the next person continues it. An older person can also tell tales to young ones.

In a group of adults, storytelling may be replaced with cards. This is perfect if it rains and there are no gears to explore in the rain or worse, there is a storm. Simply sit in a covered area and play cards games of all types.

Camping Olympics

Camping Olympics is a combination of exciting field events. Interestingly, people of all ages can participate in these games. The games could be long jump, swimming, rope climbing, and other field events. Players can run against each other, compete while swimming, try long jumps on sandy or grassy surfaces and lots more. Activities to indulge in during Camping Olympics are not limited to the examples above. You can always come up with your own good ideas of sports activities to try. When playing Olympics camping games, remember to factor in the area’s terrain to avoid injuries. For some games, wear certain gears to protect yourself.

Pass the Water

After an exhilarating hot afternoon, you may still want some form of entertainment despite the slight tiredness and discomforting heat. So, play a water game! In this game, you may get a bit drenched, but you may not mind since you’re hot anyways. So, this involves participants getting an empty cup except for the first person who gets a full cup. Each and all will stand in a straight line behind each other. Without looking back, the first person will try to empty the water in their cup into that of the person behind. Then the cycle continues. Since accuracy will be difficult, many people will get wet. The pouring continues until the last person. If the last person happens to have water when it gets to their turn, the individual will form a new line as the first person and continue pouring till the water runs out. Well, it doesn’t have to end there; the game can be repeated as many times as you want.


SPUD is an engaging game for people camping as a group.  It’s a game that will involve everyone participating.  4 players and above can play this game. You’ll need a soft ( preferably a cushioned ball). So, for example, if there are five players, Someone will stay in the middle. Then the other four will stand around the person. Each of the four players will get a number. Then the individual in the middle calls out any number and throws the ball upwards. The individual with the number called will react to catch the ball while the rest run away. Once the individual catches the ball, they must shout S-P-U-D to signal the others to stop running. Then the individual with the ball must take three steps as desired toward anyone and throw the ball at them. However, the individual aiming can dodge the ball but must not move their feet.  If the thrower misses, they get an S, and if they hit the target, the other person receives the S. The first player to get S-P-U-D is evicted.


These are a few lovely activities to engage in during camping trips. On your next camping trip with your family of friends, add these, so you don’t run out of ideas. And if you are thinking about the best time for camping, the best time is now. Take all your friends, go out of the city, and enjoy these outdoor activities.

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